11 March 2013

Growing Tobacco

The first thing which happens when I tell someone 'I'm growing tobacco' is the eyebrow raise. 'Why do you want to do that?' My response - Why not?
   The seeds were pretty cheap considering they are heirloom seeds and each package contained at least 100 seeds. I ordered 6 different packages of seed. 2x were 'mix packages' and the other 4x were specific blends. I started the seeds in basic potting soil in seed starter kits (plastic trays with separate compartments, see pic). It only took a week to see little green sprouts popping up. As soon as the sprouts were present, the tray went under a low-hanging grow light (actually, just a little bar light from the Wally-Mart).
   Misting and watering under the tray were at a minimum, because the plastic tray cover kept the humidity in and around the plants. At 4 weeks, with the help of my much smarter wife, the larger sprouts were transplanted to 2x larger containers and set near the window. The sprouts may have been a little too small in the roots at this point, but I'll update on that later.

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