13 April 2010

Weird Dream

I'm not sure how some of the characters of my dream came about, but it was weird and I remembered it.

The first thing I remember is some male celebrity (who I didn't recognize) on TV asking for 'dimes' for a charity (the ONLY money they would accept was dimes). Somehow this turned into me going to a basketball game.

After the game, there was some private event in a small convention room. I was one of about 50 people among whom were Donald Rumsfeld, Rudy Giuliani, Bud Selig and a bunch of people I didn't know. I was joking around with Rumsfeld and in walks Flavor-Flav and Andrea Bocelli!

Bocelli steps up front, sings a song in Farsi and then announces the beginning of the event. The beginning of the event ended up being 5-10 cows entering the room to be sold by auction. Then, my Grandmother, an Uncle, Aunt and some cousins walk in and sit by me. They are looking for a good breeding cow for the family farm.

One of the friends of my relatives then wins about $500 in a gift certificate drawing - at this point I decide to stick around to see if I can win something. All of a sudden I'm back at home and I am regretting not calling home to say I'd be late.

Stephen King has dreams he can write books and make money from. I have dreams which relate politics, music, sports and agriculture - if I can come up with a way to capitalize off of that, it'll be a good year.

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