21 August 2010

Odd Hobbies

What do you think would be a regular hobby for a fella' like me. It might surprise you to find out the truth. When our 1st was born I really got into plants - growing and propagating, etc. Then, when he was 1.5, I really got into crochet. I made some pretty cool (not quite square) blankets. Recently I've been working on a lot of puzzles. I've finished about 6 puzzles (1000 pcs and up) in the last 3-4 weeks. Other than puzzles, my wife is really on a farm/sustainable living kick. So, I slopped (wouldn't call it 'building') a "Chicken Tractor" (portable chicken coop). Check out the video I took ideas from - http://artisandesignsdtb.blogspot.com/

Who knows what will be next...whittling?

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